Well, she's still cute and sweet, but not so little any more. That little girl who would take 2 ounces of milk at a sitting, about once every 2 hours, now takes 2 full bottles a day. They are the pop bottle size - 20 oz or so. She'd take more, but we are trying to wean her a little bit. She gets a bottle each morning and evening.
She spends much of her day outside. She's not terribly interested in the other sheep, but she will put up with them. She'd rather be with us. She loves to eat weeds....
...and help entertain the ducks and chickens...
...and eat my ornamental dogwood. Thanks Marshmallow.
"What? You mean you didn't plant this just for me?"
She comes running like the wind when I do my own personal "baaaa" impressions, so apparently I have learned to speak sheep, even if I don't know what I'm saying.
She still sleeps in the house in our bedroom, in the dog's bed, which he lets her use. We left her out with the sheep for one day and she cried pitifully the whole time and lost her voice. Seriously, she was hoarse for 2 whole days afterwards, and Kelly started calling her our baby pterodactyl because she sounded like a raspy little bird. Poor girl.
So instead, she is spoiled rotten and she jumps into the bed every morning for her cuddle time, once she can see that I'm awake. Yes, I indulge her. Really, what did you expect?
Oh, my gosh! Too cute.
omg that is hilarious!
Marshmallow is Beautiful!!!!! And...hmmm...I've got the idea now that I'd like to hop into my ladies bed for snuggles!
Oh my! When WILL poor Marshmellow have to come to the realization that she's not a housepet? Me thinks she can't wear diapers forever!
This is just too fun ... what stories you'll be able to tell! Keep taking photos!! Love her!
Claire, Marshmallow is still so very adorable! I'd love to have her visit me and jump in my bed!!! I had to laugh at you speaking "sheep" to her - reminds me of the 1st year I was married to Diane's Dad and we visited my sister and her roomie in Atlanta. Our cat, Chaucer, was with us on the trip and we told them they could let him out to do his business before they went to bed - no worries, he'd come back when they called him. But Chaucer didn't respond to his name - I had always mmrowwd to him and told the girls they'd have to do the same! They told us the next day they were mortified, running around their backyard calling the cat in his language.
Nancy in Iowa
What will happen next out there? The chickens will get very jealous if they ever find out! I'd like to see you diaper up a few roosters...
This is hilarious! I sent this entry to my husband with the note "a little glimpse into what may well be our future"
OMG - tooooo cute! Marshmallow is going to be sooo bent out of shape when the time comes for her to be an outdoor sheepie all the time. And you, Claire, without your little cuddle toy in the morning. Sigh... looks like time for bigger diapers - is it time for Pull-Ups yet? Or do they still even make those? Its been a few years since we've done diapers around this house (thank GOD!)
Omigosh; you're gonna end up writing a boook about "The Sheep Who Thought She Was a Dog." Maybe you can train her to herd...sheep! LOL!!!
Seriously...how heavy does her breed get? I'm trying to imagine a full-sized ewe hopping onto your bed...wearing Depends.
Her fleece will stay so clean this way :).
Okay - I should maybe pass along the crown to an even crazier sheep lady. Too cute. I'd do the same thing ;-).
No WONDER she doesn't want to go out with the sheep!!!
I have a feeling you'll miss her as much as she'll miss YOU!
Marshmellow is still looking ever so much herself. Keeping her fleece all white and snowy while sleeping in luxury. I love the photo with the fowl!
Oh my! That is wonderful. My husband would kill me! The one rule is no farm animals in the house. He would never let a lamb in the bed.
Too cute!
And it's the first time I've seen a lamb with a diaper ;) I remember when I was little, the zoo in Kristiansand (a city in the south) had a chimpanzee that was left by his mother. And a tv crew followd the family who take care of him - Julius as he was named. And he had to wear a diaper ;)
This story (and the others on your blog) is amazing! You should consider publishing it as a children's book!
Isobelle - just keep asking your lady on very cold winter nights. I predict she will relent.
Michelle...I am crushed....she is sleeping outside with the flock now. But, I still take her a morning bottle.
Mom L - you can practice speaking sheep for your visit - it can't be THAT different from speaking cat!
Don - you crack me up - diapers on roosters are not in my future! Their toenails are way too sharp to have in the house!
Angie - did your husband get a warm glowing sort of look and say "Wonderful honey, I can't wait!"? If not, keep working on it.
Split Rock - It's making me crazy but she is outside full time now. As soon as she hears me anywhere out there, she stands at the fence and cries. I get her out of the pen and we do chores together.
Flartus - her mom is about 200 lbs and her Dad about the same if not more, so no, she would be too big to keep in forever, although I thought she could have stayed in until at least reaching greyhound weight, since he's 87 lb and lives in the house. The housebreaking was going to be an issue...
Christy - if Kelly said no farm animals in the house, he'd be sleeping in the barn. :-)
Hege - that would be soooo cute! Even though I don't think I want a chimpanzee....
Eileen - thank you! It's a good thought for when school is finished!
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