So it hasn't started out really well for me. This morning is really cold, and with the heavy, wet snow we got yesterday, the roads are pretty icy. I headed out with the best of intentions, but at the top of my dirt road there is a hairpin turn to get onto the "main" dirt road that takes me to the paved road. The turn is onto a curving road that is canted at a strong angle. Well, I inched my way forward as I turned, and then suddenly, I was no longer driving the car, it was going its own way. I slid, very slowly, very elegantly, even perhaps "balletically" (if that's a word) into the ditch. It was gentle and slow - because I was barely moving when the whole thing happened. That whole area is just glazed snow and on such an angle that I had no options. The towing service hopes they can come by 2 pm. There are many cars off the road today. No wonder.
Fortunately, there was nothing of great significance on my work calendar today and my administrative assistant can send me things via e-mail if needed. I walked home, bringing with me the 2 dozen eggs that I had been taking to work.
So today I will talk about Poppy, because I have been remiss, and I have not introduced her to my blog yet. We got Poppy a couple of weeks ago, but things have been so busy that I haven't talked about her yet. So here she is!

Poppy is a Suffolk-Dorset-Rambouillet cross. She is simply adorable - very friendly and happy in nature. She has a very long tail, which I have not seen on a sheep before, but it adds to her sweet character. I love the colours in her fleece and she will be easy to shear because she is so good natured. We found Poppy on Craig's List and she was noted for good fleece and milk production so that's why she became part of our herd. She has integrated well with the Icelandic crew and we are excited to have her.
Oh my goodness! I'm so glad that you are alright. Mondays can truly be a slippery slope. I love the new look of your blog. I apreciate the egg count and the photos of said eggs - so pleasing to the eye those lovely little ovoids.
Thank you Lola Nova! I decided it was time for a change of scenery and found something that suited me. I'm glad you like the new look, and the fun with eggs!
It's so neat to see Poppy again. :)
Glad to hear that you are enjoying her!
Oh Poppy is lovely! What a beautiful animal...I really hate driving in bad weather. Thank goodness you were alright. And that the eggs didn't crack! By the way i love the colored eggs...I'll pass up on white any day for the lovely browns and greens and blues.....
Poppy is gorgeous!! What a sweet face...
Sorry about the hitting the ditch- it must have been meant for you to stay home!!
(tee hee- snow day! Yay!)
Thanks for visiting Taci! Glad you can keep up with Poppy's adventures on my blog. She seems to have settled in very well and has a wonderful disposition, no doubt due to the care you gave her! We love her!
Thanks for visiting Mare and Paula - I am keeping clear of the nasty corner for now until the roads clear up a bit. I did get a lot of laundry done instead of working that day!
Thanks for visiting! I have enjoyed reading your blog as well. Poppy is very cute :) I'm glad to hear that the tow truck and nice country people were able to help you out.
Poppy is adorable. Such a lovely little gal. I like her long tail, too. My churro sheep has a long fluffy tail like hers.
Congrats on your sweet little sheep!
New Mexico
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