I had said that for my Christmas holiday, my goal was to learn to knit and/or crochet. I tried knitting first, and did a bit, but then turned to crochet. After some consternation and frustration with crochet, I finally embarked on an actual small project. Lo and behold, I crocheted a scarf! I never thought I could do it! Actually, if I was at home, busy, I probably would have taken months to do it. I admit, the sides are not perfect and there were a couple of times I started the shrinking row problem and had to add a stitch to regain the width, but overall, I'm rather pleased, if I may say so, with my first project. I do love the colours of the wool, so that goes a long way towards my positive impression! It is a smallish scarf, but a good one for keeping my neck cozy when I go out to the barn. The picture below makes it look worse than it is on the ends because the ends are curling. They are not as varied in width as they look!

Speaking of keeping cozy, we went out to Peggy's Cove today. It is a lovely spot to visit in Nova Scotia, even when it's cold outside. Kelly and I stayed warm and cozy in many layers.

The lighthouse stands tall and ready for the bad weather. It makes a spectacular view with the clear blue sky and the rolling ocean waves.

The rocks are very weathered and smooth in some places and every year or so, somebody ventures too close to the water and has an accident, quite often a fatal one. People tend to ignore the warning signs posted everywhere, just to get a better picture or look at the water. They do not anticipate the height of the swells, especially if they are not used to the ocean.

Best to admire from a distance, or use the zoom on your camera, like I did! There is even frosted spray on the rocks that you can see on the left side. Brrrr.... Cold and windy, but lovely to be home.
That's a long ride back to Iowa, no telling what you'll craft up. Yes, I love the blue colors in the scarf. I prefer for home made stuff to have character and not look perfect. Have a safe and creative trip.
Lovely scarf!
Awwww! Peggy's Cove. I miss that place. I hope you had some gingerbread at the diner there. They make the best gingerbread....
Ooooh! So lovely for your first project. You should be proud. And the colors are stunning. Well done!
The lighthouse photo looks like a postcard. Beautiful!
You guys do look a bit chilly. Good to see you're having a great time there.
New Mexico
That is a beautiful scarf! The colors are gorgeous.
I LOVE N.S.! I have only been there once but want to return. Beautiful scenery and wonderful, friendly people! (Not to mention I love a lot of their music!):)
i LOVE the lighthouse pic and the ocean is beautiful. the scarf is great too, and i think you should knit some for your animals on your trip back home :)
I know kneww to crochet rugs from rags, but wanted to practice on smaller items. I got some of the cotton yarn (its cheap) and made dish cloths. They are small enough to not get bored, you can work on getting the extra stitching just right or even try samples of different stitching.
The nice thing is all your "mistakes" are still usable in the kitchen sink!
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