I also have a nice straw summer hat with a narrower brim than the green one. It's a dark and light woven straw and quite fetching, at least in my opinion. It has a dark flat ribbon band around it and is not flashy - just a quiet sort of a statement.
There is something about people who wear interesting hats - it's sort of a statement that they're not afraid to express themselves, and that they're not really that worried about what anyone else thinks. I like to be that brave, on occasion.
Today's hat is, without question, my absolute favourite hat I have ever owned. This is a very special hat, and every time I look at it, I have to suppress a giggle, which is why I have called it the Chicken Giggle Hat.

At my place of employment, we had a craft fair, as we usually do at this time of year, and employees who do crafts such as sewing, woodworking, candle making, etc. have an opportunity to sell their wares. Well, one of our employees is quite the knitter, and she makes interesting bags and hats. This year, she is making chicken and turkey hats. I was completely taken as soon as I saw them. "Delightful," I said to myself. And to top it off, she will even do a custom designed chicken hat from a photograph! I declare, I will take her a photo of Rosie and get a Rosie hat made.

p.s. If anybody wants a custom hat, leave a comment and I'll get you hooked up!
I love it!!
I love wearing hats... I wish women would wear those gorgeous hats again like they did years ago...*sigh*...
But the chickie hat is awesome!
Delighted to have you visit, Farm Chick Paula! Thanks for your comments. I, too, would love to re-introduce the fancy hat into society. I think we need more hats - they can be so elegant.
That hat makes me very happy. I used to have a lovely collection of vintage ladies hats. Oh, now you have me dreaming of hats!
Glad to get you thinking about hats - I can't wait to see the hats you design, Lola!
That chicken hat is absolutely fabulous--and it looks good on you too!! That chartruese is my heart chakra color my friend says (I don't know from chakras!) and I love hats too.
ps Thanks for stopping by my blog. I think everyone should try painting--you never know, right? An Etsy store may be in my future, as I have piles and piles of paintings to unload!
I love the green hat. Very dignified. And you look lovely in that photo.
The chicken hat is unique and yes, eccentric, but in a cute sort of way.
The fact that you even found this hat (at work of all places) means that you are meant to wear it! Insane.
Now that is a hat for the ages. My daughter is a serious knitter and I need to send her this link. I know she will crack up and try to figure out how to make one. I like watching the Kentucky Derby mostly to see all the cool hats the women wear.
I LOVE the chicken hat. I am soooo tempted to get one just to embarrass the kiddos. I agree that it is perfect for egg collecting.
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