Afterwards, we went home via the outlet mall and found that the Geoffrey Beene store was having a tremendous sale. That was somewhat disappointing, because they are closing down. All their clothes fit me very well, so I am annoyed at their disappearance, however, I was able to buy a number of nice items for winter and some things for Kelly for Christmas, all at 70% off regular price. Not too shabby!
When I got home, Kelly had already been to pick up our new tractor. This is a very exciting moment for our farm - our very first tractor. If you had told me 5 years ago that I would own a tractor today, I would have laughed hysterically and told you not to be so ridiculous. Ah, how life changes unexpectedly! And so delightfully too! I haven't taken pictures of it yet, but it is a Kubota 7200 and it's a nice bright orange, and it comes with a belly mower and a snow blade and a 3 point hitch, which is fabulous because we can now buy a tiller (hopefully on Craig's List for a good price) and a bale fork.
I went out to collect eggs and there were 6 eggs. This is my first ever 6-egg day. I decided to commemorate that by starting an egg counter here on my blog. I will try to keep it updated but can't promise every day will be a 6-egg day! I had leftover chicken/apple/gouda sausage rolls for supper with leftover sweet potato from the Thanksgiving meal, with a nice cold Woodchuck Apple Cider. Yum.
Cool blog!
I had some sneaky hens too. I think they are still being sneaky. As soon as I find their place, they pick another.
Where will you keep your new chicks until they are feathered out? I've thought about getting some more layers or broilers now, but then I think of the cold...
Yay on the new tractor! The chick is so cute..*sigh*... I love little chickies!!
Don - thanks for the idea - I will do a post soon on my chickies and how they graduate from the 3 week brooder lamp to the 6 week brooder hutch to the 10 week big brooder in the barn. It's a process!
Thanks Paula! Watch for an upcoming post with tractor pics! And not a moment too soon in getting it with the weather we've been having!
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