First, you should know that Anna designs really cute and clever critters for rubber stamps, which you can buy from Whippersnapper Designs. She has a particular skill with making really cute chickens. I have purchased a couple of cute prints from her as well, featuring her lovely chicken art. Here's a link to one I bought that I just love, because it has my name on a chicken (spelled differently, but it's the concept that counts!)
Anyway, I'm supposed to post the 6th picture in the 6th photo folder in my photos. I use iPhoto on a mac, so I'm using the 6th picture from my 6th album on there. The album is called "M&D's Garden" which of course is Mummy and Daddy's Garden (yes, I call them Mummy and Daddy, because that's what they have always been to me!). Here is the 6th photo. Just look at those blue delphiniums. Glorious.
I adore my parents' garden. It's beautiful, and I hope my garden can someday look as good as theirs. They have been working at this garden for many years, so it always looks beautiful, but one must start somewhere, and that's where I am.
Here are a couple of other photos of their garden. It's a pure delight! Look at these poppies with the white foxgloves over them and the purple in the background. My mother has a great eye for plant combinations.
It is always so lush in the summer! Look at their Japanese anemones! Huge!! Mine never get that big. (they're the tall pink things in the back middle, for those who don't know).
So, now I'm supposed to tag 6 others to do the same thing!
Here they are....let's see if they notice...
1. Bedtick Farm
2. Isobelle Golightly the Beautiful Goat
3. A Girl and a Farm
4. Loess is More (because of course she has such cool pictures!)
5. 3 Flat Acres
6. Fancyin' the Farm Life
I, too, love your parents' garden! The flowers are gorgeous, and the whole layout shows a lot of love for the soil and for growing things. But don't you think they need a goat? Just a little one, like Luna?
Now WHY did you go and link to Anna's blog??? Now I have ANOTHER blog to add to my looooong list of followed blogs AND I have a feeling I'm going to be spending some money. You are bad; bad, bad, bad.
Beautiful pics...I love M&D's garden also!
i just noticed!
i will do it next post!
I noticed! Doing it right now! :)
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