I believe this is the hermit thrush, although I'm not 100% sure. It might possibly be Swainson's thrush or the gray-cheeked thrush, or even Bicknell's thrush. They're all fairly similar and they all live in this area. I eliminated the gray-cheeked thrush because I think this bird is too brown for that species. I'll gladly take pointers from bird experts on this one!
Here's a very obliging female red-winged blackbird who posed for me at the Sackville Waterfowl Park. Quite distinctive colouring and markings on this bird - she was easier to identify.
This is, I believe, a female magnolia warbler with fall plumage, possibly a juvenile one. Again, I'll gladly accept other opinions! The middle picture isn't as sharp as I'd like, but it's helpful in assessing the markings on the bird.
Then there's this little chirper. I thought it was a dark-eyed junco, but now I'm not sure. It seems to have a little more brown than I would have thought for a junco, and it's not solid enough in the grey colour compared to the others I regularly see. Can anyone identify this bird? It seems to be sparrow-like in size and in the shape of the beak.
It's also a natural at posing, although it didn't like me getting too close.
Sharing with The Bird D'Pot.

Sharing with Saturday's Critters.
Sharing with Camera Critters.
Hello, wonderful variety of birds. I love the female redwing blackbird and the warbler, the last shot is definitely a Junco. Beautiful images. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week ahead!
Wonderful little birds, a nice collection!
Greetings from Germany
Hello Claire and thank you for visiting my blog in the UK. It's many years since I saw Swainson's Thush but I am sure that is the one you picture. I agree the Magnoilia Warbler to be a juvenile or female but the "chirper" is more difficult. I think it may be a juvenile junco, hence the brown plumage. I wonder if you have a field guide - try https://www.amazon.com/Crossley-ID-Guide-Eastern-Guides/dp/0691147787. It's reviewed on my blog.
Beautiful pictures! I can`t seem to get close to birds this year as you have,I believe that is a junco too.We will be seeing them arrive here sometime in Oct.,thanks for sharing,phyllis
Oh i just love birds and their voices n moves
I really enjoyed watching these lovely sweeties
Thank you for sharing the pleasure
Extraordinary photos!!! Each and every ONE...even the one you think is not 'too clear' is still a great image in my opinion. Birds are difficult [especially warblers for me] to get a good photo. Wonderful array. And I agree with Eileen...definitely a junco.
And I also think your questionable IDing is spot on. Altho, I truly don't think of myself as an expert in any shape or form.
Thanks so much for stopping by and linking in this weekend at I'd Rather B Birdin'...it's always greatly appreciated.
They all look like they are patiently posing for pictures. Hello from the west coast. - Margy
Hi Claire, a delightful series of birds you have here. Wonderful photos! Thanks for stopping by and enjoy the rest of your day :)
Beautiful photos of all of your birds! I'm afraid I'm no help when it come to identifying them though. I love all the details.
A great series of photos!
I especially like the female Red-winged Blackbird.
Have a great week!
Wonderful photos!
Hello!:) Gorgeous captures of all the birds! Just wonderful clear shots, and a nice variety of birds. The female Redwing Blackbird is a stunning bird, but I enjoyed seeing all of them. Thank you for your visit.:)
how nice! You share birds I don´t remember seeing shots of. Like the redwing female. I always see males in the blogs. Thanks!
You certainly have many birds which you have photographed beautifully. Thanks for visiting my blog, and have a good week!
Fantastic photos! I love the warblers. I always have trouble identifying those. Visiting from Camera Critters. Have a great day :-)
That last one is what some of us call a LBJ – Little Brown Job. ;-) Great shots, Claire!
Beautiful pictures of cute birds!
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