Step 1. Select most artistic goat from herd.
Step 2. Approach goat with treats. Goats are always interested in treats and are much more liable to approach you when you are luring them with said treats.
Step 3. Firmly but gently grasp your goat and lead it inside.
Step 3b (optional). Wash goat to make it smell nice. (see previous post on how to give a goat a bath).
Step 4. Invert goat onto its back. It is best to have a helper for this stage.
Step 5. Apply generous amount of crazy glue to each hoof.
Step 6. Carefully position goat upon wall in most artistic way possible.
Step 7. Hold goat in position for several hours. Crazy glue is fast, but not that fast.
Step 8. Step back and admire your handiwork. Well done!

It just so happens, Puffin the goat is an acrobat. She just loves to bounce off the walls of her pen. Here she goes again, this time with the head twist so she can see where she's going to land. (Incidentally, do you have any idea how long it took for me to get these pictures? I had to take so many shots before I got these....)

Speaking of Stuffin, see the baby bump? We don't know when she is due, but it must be soon!

Stuffin and Puffin also have Disston keeping them company right now, as he learns the ropes on the farm. Puffin thinks it is fun to pat his bottom...

and to scratch her head on his tail feathers.

Yes, we have an odd, acrobatic goat, but we love her!
Haha!! What a hoot! And looks like you've got yellow boots on the duck, too! =)
WELL! You DO have talented goats there! I can't wait for the baby goat to attive!
Oh my gosh, that is the cutest goat! She is a mischief maker for sure :) Are they pygmy goats?
cute Puffin, you gotta get it on YouTube.
that is hilarious...wonderful pictures, claire. you are VERY funny. :-)
thanks for the giggle.
oh my....
Too funny. That is one thing I miss about having my sister's goats here. They were quite the acrobats and the babies come out with springs on their feet :)
Oh dear, that goatie is about to learn where the business end of a muscovy duck is!
When our goats were young, they did all kinds of stunts which included bouncing vertically against the wall at approximately 1-1½ meter's height. Our goat kid Allis is three months old and loves to run around like crazy every time we let them out of the goat pen. It's fun to watch!
Warm greetings from West Africa,
That looks like fun! I think I will try that here at my house! I think my mom would do more than just pat that duck's bum. hee hee Goatie kisses from Isobelle!
What characters your goats are! Disston looks like he's made himself right at home. I never would have imagined that a goat would want to play with a duck - she reminds me of my CAT when she pats me (well, on the face, not the bum) to get my attention in the morning!
Great pictures! Your goats look like they have great, playful personalities!
haha i love it! i think i might glue pete to my wall :)
Hi Claire! I just found your blog. I can't wait to read back through the posts.
athletic little creature! never a dull moment!!
love the wool you have been making, its really good!
What a funny little goat you have!! :)
Anna - of course we have yellow boots on the duck - how else does he keep his feet warm! Haha!
Mare - keep your fingers crossed for baby soon!
Deb - yup, they're pygmy goats with giant attitude!
Joanna - wish I had a video camera.
Farmgirl - glad to give you a giggle - we all need one now and then!
Kenleighacres - then this one's baby should come out with rocket blasters on her feet!
Amy - so far, the duck is very gentle with the goats. We'll see how far that goes!
Ishtar - thanks for visiting - I loved your posts about Allis!
Isobelle - just be careful when you try it - don't hurt your little goatie feet or back!
Nancy - you made me think about Disston waking me up in the morning. That would be scary!
Shiloh - thanks - they all have their little idiosyncrasies!
Diane - Yes! Take pictures!!
Kelly - hope you enjoyed the reading!
Claire - careful your horse doesn't get ideas from my goats!
C&T - she's funny but she doesn't have good spinning fiber!
Hi - still hoping for some news soon about Stuffin. Hmm, I wonder if she'd kid faster if Puffin taught her her how to jump on the walls? Or there's always the trick my older sister tried while waiting for her 3rd baby to be born. I was in my teens and staying with them to help take care of the little girls while Sis was having #3; she got tired of waiting and took us for a ride in her old Buick, hitting every road bump and pothole she could find. Do you think Stuffin would like a ride on the tractor?
Bummer. I thought the glue your goat idea was brilliant! lol!
Puffin totally msde me laugh tonight. I had a challenging day so this was the perfect way to end my day....with a great big belly laugh.
Looks like Stuffin is going to go soon. My guess is Thursday or Friday.
Oh god, I laughed so hard!
What a hoot! ;)
And...Puffin and Stuffin! Too cute!
Have to run to teach but can't wait to read the BATH blog tomorrow!
Goats make us laugh...and that's a good thing! :)
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