First, when I visited my parents for Christmas, they gave me their bread machine which they were not using. They are enjoying their retirement and although they are busy, my mother still has time to make real bread. I, on the other hand, am working full time and in school part time, and taking care of the farm, so I do not have time to make real bread. We have been buying bread but I'm not really fond of it, and would rather make my own. So, on my lunch hour, I decided to try out the machine and I'm making Oatmeal Honey Bread. I actually followed the recipe except that I added a touch of cinnamon, because I thought that was nice with the oatmeal honey theme. I have never used a bread maker before, but now it is in a rising phase and I am excited to see what ends up coming out.

Kelly is in Knoxville Iowa today, and he called to say the roads are dreadful. He said there are cars off the road everywhere and there is a towing ban in effect until the police say it's OK to start towing cars. I hope he gets home safely. He took the pickup truck today because it's 4 wheel drive and therefore likely to be safer. The visibility is bad and there is a lot of blowing snow.
I am sitting at my desk staying warm. I keep the house cool because it saves energy and besides, it's winter. It's not supposed to feel like a summer's day in Florida. So I'm wrapped up in a lovely warm sweater from LL Bean that my mother bought me last year, and some fleecy pants. The problem was, I was wearing some of those lovely fluffy socks, but they only went to my ankles, and when sitting, I get this space between the top of my socks and the bottom of the pants. Well, I had an 80s flashback...and after some very industrious digging, I found...

Yes, I am a child of the 80s (well, a teen of the 80s) and I admit to still owning leg warmers. I think I got these in the late 1980s, probably during high school. They were perfect for my needs today, and I look mahhhvellous. Well, in my mind anyway!
Stickley hasn't had his picture on the blog yet. He's here with me though, being a lazy dog as usual. He is an 87 lb greyhound and the fastest couch potato I've ever met. He is distinctly uninterested in me or my camera today, preferring to be comfy on his bed.

Aside from the bread maker clicking and the dog snoring and my typing, the only sound (besides the wind) is an occasional quack from the basement. Even Tarquin the pigeon is silent today. We are all bundled up and cozy. Hope you are too!
Stickley's vest and bed match? wow
Talking about heat - Mike and I keep it cool in our house and we add layers, just like in your photo. We have the thermostat set on 63 degrees and Mike and I, and tenant upstairs, get along just fine.
However, at the office, and we work for the taxpayers mind you, it stays 72 degrees or more. I have complained to my boss more than once but he is also one of the cold-blooded ones, so he just snickers. In addition to the regular heat, employees are allowed to plug in space heaters. To me it feels like Miami in August. I have to dress for work like it's Miami in August when it's 19 degrees outside and a stiff breeze is blowing. And when I have been wearing layers at home. Absolutely wasteful spending. That's another reason I have to take drugs [LexaPro] so I won't run my mouth at work. I'll hush now but as you can tell this is one of my pet peeves.
I had a lot of that color of fleece from a fabric store sale. Stickley didn't have much choice about it! He doesn't seem to mind that he blends into his bed! And, I'm with you on the workplace heat! I'm always in sleeveless in January at work...
Wow Claire - you have been busy - teaching baby ducks to swim, a new spinning wheel, a book on knitting socks with some very fun yarn (you are very brave and I am very impressed), and baking bread! I need to check in more often ;) Thanks for all of the help on the chickens. My son said that he heard crowing this morning, but I'm not sure if he was really telling the truth. I enjoyed seeing Stickley - I love his bed and jammies! Have a fun snow day.
please keep the blizzard in your area as I have had enough snow; though the Arctic weather is heading here. Windchill by Wed. morning should be -15 and 0 by Thursday night...I swear if my school district does not call a snowday I am going to throw a temper tantrum. I love my bread maker...are you buying the flour for bread makers? It really does make a difference. I noticed that many recipes call for dry milk so its good to keep on hand. I love the smell of fresh bread in the house! I graduated in 1986 so I understand the leg warmers....and I really had the Madonna hair going on to, though I was a Flashdance kinda girl too LOL. I good friend of mine has 2 Greyhound rescue dogs that are such couch potatoes...great dogs!! Sounds like you had a great day off!! Lucky you:)
Kenleighacres - don't worry, I can hardly keep up with myself - so I hardly expect you to do so! Glad to have you visit though!
Kristi - thanks for the tip on the flour. I was using unbleached all purpose. It came out quite well though, I was happy with it. And the smell was fab! Did you have the little Madonna thin bracelets too, with the black rubbery ones mixed in. I had those....oh, those were the days!
omg blizzard for sure! you won't believe what stupid thing we did- i am working on the pics and video now. i LOVE your leg warmers! i too am a 80's teen and i wished i'd saved some. and i love stickley and his coat that matches his bed! god i wish i could sew....the damage i could do :) stay warm and i hope kelly is ok too!
Better to be in and cozy during a snowstorm than to be out in it! We have had our share of snow this Winter too...Seems like everybody is baking bread today! hahaha I got a great cookbook on baking bread, and i just blogged about that too! I love the smell of fresh baked bread, don't you?
Diane - you crack me up. I can't wait to see your video. Bet you never had a blizzard like this in the south. If I manage to knit socks, I could knit you leg warmers...
Mare - the bread smell was amazing. Made me want to eat the whole loaf. Off to read your blog...
Stickley looks so comfy! And I know you and Joanna enjoyed Diane's post about their fun in Western Iowa's snow! But she did go through some blizzards here in Atlanta years ago - when we have one it really shuts down the entire metro area and beyond. And we give ours names, such as "Snow Jam '82."
I hope Kelly made it home safely and warmly.
Thank you for your visit to my blog and your kind comments. I took a tour through your blog and all your animals are amazing, I have thought about having sheep, maybe in the future. Hope this winter weather lets up for all of us soon, the wood furnace is starting to wear me out... Stay safe and warm..
I don't know about Iowa but, here on the West Coast leg warmers are back in style. Very urban warrior chic.
I use my bread machine on days that I just don't have time for bread from scratch. The best results are when I let the dough rise in the machine and then shape or put in a loaf pan for baking in the oven. Nothing like the smell of fresh baked brea, mmmm.
I just came to post and saw Joanna had posted the same commentary I was planning. Vest and bed match!!! Did you make those???? Love it!
Oh...guess you answered that one.....should have read ahead....
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