Next thing I knew, she made her Hedera socks post.
This post caused great pangs of jealousy and much gnashing of teeth. I ogled her socks and eyed my own, boring, store-bought socks with disdain. Oh, the shame...
Then, to add insult to injury, she posted about her Pomatomus socks post. Pomatomus? But, that's a Latin name for a genus of fish! What on earth did that have to do with socks? Foolishly, I visited the post (which nearly made me lose all control).
When I was home for the holidays, I mentioned briefly to my mother that I would like to learn how to knit socks. "Oh," she intoned "well dear, socks are quite difficult you know." I pondered this statement. My mother is an incredibly sensible and intelligent woman. She knows what she's talking about, my Mum! It is wise to pay attention to her words. But alas, my independent spirit led me astray. Never let it be said that I did not tackle something because it might be too "difficult." (She said, as she slogged through her fourth University degree while still working full time and managing a farm full of animals).
And then, there was the blog over at Farm Witch, full of temptation and delight. She blogged about the bad reputation of spun "singles," which are skeins of wool that are not plied. They are just a single strand.
I was intrigued by her post, and of course had to visit her Etsy store, in the hopes of obtaining my very own "single" to work with. But no, I was thwarted! No singles were available. So what else could I do, but buy this delightful skein of plied yard with the alluring name of "Gypsy" and a swirl of colours that delighted my eye.
That's it. No more boring socks for me. I bought the book. I bought the yarn. I will conquer the frightening and intimidating prospect of knitting a pair of socks. And I will prevail, no matter how many times I have to unravel them and start all over again. That's just the way I am: independent, fiercely determined, and stubborn as a ram (which is characteristic of an Aries).
Maybe that's why I have a certain fondness for sheep...

I thought socks were hard, too. But, after just a few tries (and some chocolate, coffee, and maybe a therapeutic curse word or two) I was off and running and haven't looked back. Hope you have a grand time with your new addiction, I mean, interest (smiles)!
lol! Thanks for the smile tonight. But really, socks are not difficult at all if made using Knifty Knitters. Socks will basically knit themselves using these round knitting wonders.
But ooops, there we go again with the dangers of blogging. Don't you go running out to snag yourself some Knifty Knitters now. The madness!
Yes, blogging is very dangerous, I agree. Now that I've got all the time in the world to blog, I can't either because the pain meds make me too whoozy to type clearly, or because my wrists are hurting from typing in bed with a laptop. gah!
Mmmm, I am loving that yarn....where'd ya get it again??
Your Blogger Buddy,
Chocolate and coffee are close to hand, thanks for that tip!
Lisa - you are truly naughty. Now I have done some Googles on Knifty Knitters and I am sorely tempted. As a result, I must direct you to the Enchanted Knoll shop on Etsy. Just look at this lovely yarn. I think you need it...after all, it's time for you to start knitting socks in bed (and you need a sunshiney day)!
wearing your own homemade socks would be awesome and they'd make great gifts, we'll me waiting for updates.
Yes, I'll send you some clumps of bamboo,you don't need stalks but the root system. Will be in May when they start sending out the babies, when the root system starts shhoting out new roots. I'll get back to ya.
Here I am, nestled in my suburban apartment, raising a herd of 1 cat, cooking meals in my microwave, and using my creative writing background to type comments on other people's blogs. And now I have to watch you knit socks?!!! You're right - blogging is dangerous. Other peoples' blogs just wear me out! Time to watch another episode of Forever Knight online.
Hugs, Diane's Mom
Hi Claire - thank you so much for dropping buy. I find the main danger of blogging is finding I have spent the whole day reading wonderful creative posts and visiting people ;-)
I have yet to tackle socks either - I tried once - failed and have yet to return ;-)
And blogging is dangerous I agree because now I am going to have to order the book cuz you brought it too my attention and because I too want to learn how to make my own socks too:) So thanks! And I just want to personally thank you for the duck post because when I got my new Murray McMurray catalog yesterday in the mail, I seriously was looking at the ducks!!! Have you gotten your coveralls yet....TSC online also has then in dark purple:)
You guys are so bad with the temptations!(Etsy shop links) Socks are on my "to learn" list this New Year and all this talk might have moved them up on the list! I try not to listen to people who say things are too hard to do. I just wait till i feel up for the challenge, research, and jump in. Oh, i use lots of curse words too! it helps.
Oh how heartwarming, to know that I will be struggling through socks along with my blog buddies. We should all blog about our frustrations, but no cursing, my mother might read it!
Joanna - you are an angel to consider sending me bamboo roots. My goats are excited already.
Diane's Mom - really, you make sock watching sound like a spectator sport. :-) Wait a second...that gives me a you-tube idea!!
Kristi - I'm so happy to enable your sock habit, and your duck habit too! They grow so fast, but watching their tail wiggling parties is just delightful.
Mare - Keep us updated with sock posts!
Off today's topic - I was trying to find a place to email you to send this link to a funny duck photo from Icanhascheezburger: http://icanhascheezburger.files.wordpress.com/2008/12/funny-pictures-ducks-rate-eachother-as-they-dive.jpg
I had attempted a sock that was "easy". You didn't have to knit in the round or anything. Well it turned out perfect IF I HAD A RECTANGLE SHAPED FOOT! Which I don't btw.
On Tues while in town mailing your package, I stopped at the library and picked up that same exact sock book you purchased. Do you mind if I let you try it first and i live vicariously through you?
That yarn is beautiful.
Ooh, hand knitted socks! I have the crochet version of that book and found it really helpful. Alas, I will not be knitting along with you. I have sworn not to take up knitting. Now, what to do with my love of yarn?
Blogging is fertile territory for temptation indeed. I just bought a bunch of european kids patterns for sewing, like I don't already have a pile of patterns waiting to be made.
Socks rule! I'm so proud of you and you're yarn looks yummy. I agree with everyone, once you get the hang of them, you're going to have a great time, and that chocolate, coffee are absolutely necessary to all knitting endeavors! I would add that a couple of dogs sitting nearby help as well. I can't wait to see you project!!
Sheep? Come over from Iowa to my neck of the woords (Australia) and you'll see prime Merino sheep.
Lot's of time for knitting in the Outback, too!
Oh My God I rushed over seeing the title of your post. I thought something horrible had happened to you! Scared me. Then I had to laugh...oh yes, Etsy...been there...bought that....the worst thing I've done is buy a loom which is hidden in a storage area downstairs. Hubby hasn't found it yet. Why? Why? I don't know how to weave and don't have time to weave. Anyone interested in a loom?????
Me me me! I want your loom! I just said to Kelly yesterday that it would be great to have a loom and he said "We have the space so you find the loom!" Oh, do tell me more about the loom!
What about a bow flex tread climber too :-(
Gee, with that loom, I just don't think I'll have the time for the bowflex climber. But hey, I have an elliptical if you are interested! ;-)
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