Now, you must realize, Diane is a professional photographer. So, she would take a delightful picture of my goat's special bits, but she's not here. She's valiantly trying to quit smoking while dealing with three rascally dogs and adjusting to life in Iowa, having moved here from Georgia. Wow, that's quite an adjustment! No wonder her imagination skills are on hiatus.
So Diane, with apologies for my photographic skills, which are middling to none, especially when it comes to udder photography, these are for you. And let me assure you, it is quite difficult to hold a squirming goat with one arm, and take a decent photo with the other hand, while avoiding having the second goat chew on the camera. Therefore, some lack of perfect focus is unfortunately present...

Anyone else wishing to comment, please feel free! I am udderly open to comments!
Diane, why do you want this poor doe's "privates" to be exploited all over the internet for your personal pleasure?
Claire, is that the girl that you say is due to kid? Or is this the one you just got? I can't ID the poor gal without seeing a face. I thought you were referring to the one that is due to kid.
Yes Joanna, this is Stuffin, the one who is due to kid. I'm hoping those with more experience might be able to say that her udder is "getting close" or "nowhere near..." or whatever.
Poor little Stuffin, exposed to the world without her permission!
What you don't see when you read a blog. Poor Stuffin. There must be a law that applies to this type of exploitation. Good luck, Claire. All I know is that sheep and cows get much more swollen in the udder area before they give birth.
Oh dear! Goat porn! Shield my eyes...I thought that this was a family-friendly blog (shaking head in disbelief)
Oh, my. When my kid started blogging I never imagined she would herself be the subject of a blog, and one that includes pictures of a goat udder of all things!!!
Nancy (chuckling in Atlanta)
She looks rather small. I would have expected her udders to be at least 'orange' size by now if she was due to kid soon.
But I'm not that experienced with kidding, so hopefully udders will speak up. (lol!)
Your past two posts focused on udders just make me giggle :D
omg claire! i feel like a dirty goat perv now! and to think i was complaining about my PMS while poor stuffin must feel miserable with her big 'ole swollen goat boobs! thanks for making me feel much better :)
and i love that i am the subject of your blog along with teets!! is that what you call them?
This post and the comments are hilarious! I have Boers, not the same breed but mine definitely are more filled out than that right before they kid, so you may have a little bit more of a wait. Of course some seem to fill up overnight too so I would watch her.
Claire, now ask Diane if Stuffin's are perkier than hers.
I'm no goat boob expert but my angoras do not get appreciably bigger until the baby is born and the milk comes in. In fact, I never could tell when my babies were coming. I tried testing tail ligaments, etc. The only common denominator I found was star gazing right before kidding.
Goats are all different, but I have never had a goat kid unless they were fully engorged, stretched to the limit like a balloon.
I have also heard that some goats show no udder signs until after they kid. So it just goes to show that you never can tell.
All of mine have been textbook perfect with a fully engorged udder and teats. Also having a long string of goo hanging from their vulva on the day that they were to kid.
They also separated themselves from the other goats and did the pawing, nesting routine. So it was very easy to be able to attend the kidding. They showed all of the signs.
Getting on the computer tonight I never would have thought I'd be flashed by a goat. Well done.
Good job on the pics too.
oops - I confused my goaties....Apologies to Stuffin and Puffin. By the way, I hope my udder never looks like that. hee hee Isobelle.
Hi Claire,
Sometimes the sheep bag up very quickly, so it is difficult to tell, I am guessing it is the same with goats. My goat might surprise me yet too. I saw your question on Carol's blog. I had a goat wether and ram as companions for almost a year. The fight different but they seemed to work it out. Goats stand up and come down with their blows. Rams back up first and then hit forward. It gives the goats a little advantage because they can hit from a stand still, rear up quickly, before the ram gets a chance to back up very far. Check out my archives from the summer, times like this I wish I had remembered to label my posts.
Wow. All I can say to all you bloggers is that you have certainly advanced my education!
Diane's Mom
When does the calendar come out?
We'll all put them on our barn walls.
sorry claire- my mom let me know that i spelled TEATS wrong. gotta love being 38 with an english major who belongs to mensa for a about skipping a generation. LOL.
just wanted to let joanna know that i think stuffin is a little bit perkier than i am.- did i spell 'perkier' right, mom??? is that even a word? well it should be.
thanks again claire for making me 'CHORTLE'-that is a word i use with some old friends to describe side-splitting laughter....speaking of-you won't even believe what happened to us today. it was better than getting 2 vehicles stuck in our own yard. oh yes...working on the post now.
If Stuffin has had kids before, I'd say you are a ways off - weeks, even. But if she's a first-timer, she may not engorge until she kids.
First time fresheners are tricky...Tail ligament tension (it is tight or loose?) is a better sign.
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