I think it might be today. I'd love to hear from those with experience...but last night she definitely had some ligament left. This morning, I can't find them anywhere. No tail ligaments at all. Her udder has pushed out significantly to the back and is just tight as a drum.

What do you think of her pose? She might be showing that back tilt thing, I think?

I hope that these posts that have shown the udder progression might help someone else in my position someday, when their first-ever goat kid is on the way and they are wondering what to look for. Stuffin should be proud of her educational role!

Oh my, I think we are approaching lift-off!
Good grief, Stuffin!!! That looks so uncomfortable! I know Diane will be amazed by the fabulous udder when she takes time from her roadtrip to check in. Wow!
Oh - my WV is preace - is that peace with a prayer?
From the looks of things it won't be long now :)
Can't wait to see those sweet babies!
Try not to get too stressed. Stuffin' will know instinctively what to do - she'll be a great Mama.
I can feel her pain! I am praying she will deliver soon, easily and quickly! I cannot WAIT to see the baby!
Yes, it could be today. If not, it will definitely be in the next two days. I am eagerly waiting to see your Stuffin babies!
I would say she will go today or tomorrow, but then again these girls have fooled me before! LOL. Can't wait to hear about the new kids.
Now THAT looks like the udder of a momma ready to bring her babies into the world. It looks like her vulva is pink & swollen & soft looking too. A definite sign that she's getting ready. I'm with Carol ~ I'd say within 24 - 48 hours.
Is she out where she can get some exercise? Moving around is good for her! If she wants to be off by herself, she's probably in early labor. I like to wait to jug my girls AFTER the first lamb is born (it's just so much less mess in the barn!) ;-)
A little molasses in her drinking water will give her an energy boost.
OOOOOOO ~ in a very short time you will have some very much adored kids keeping Stuffin busy and happy!
Now that looks like an udder! Believe it or not, I've seen bigger. Scary. I can't wait to see baby pictures!
Wow! Poor Stuffin looks so uncomfortable! I think it's looking like today, but i remember when we were having babies, and I was always surprised by how huge they became...they fooled me many times also! Good luck Stuffin!
I don't have any experience but it looks like you're gettin' somewhere now. Oh, I can't wait to see the babies. Do ya have some names picked out?
Aww, poor Stuffin. She looks so ready to go. When the babies are born, will the be your "Grand-Kids?"
I had to laugh, and then read that Nancy and Carol already typed my thoughts -- "That FINALLY looks like the udder of a goat in late pregnancy!" You were getting so worked up when she still looked like a member of the Itty-Bitty-Titty Committee; hee!
oooh. I think maybe I don't want to have any goatie babies if that is what you have to go through! I should listen to my mom and just be a lovely, unmarried goat. Loves to Stuffin from Isobelle!
Wow! She really did morph almost overnight. Thanks for the goat pregnancy education Stuffin!
Congrats on the new baby doe!
Word verification: 'pines'
Is the wind whispering through the pines now?
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