Rosario sent me a beautiful photo of the llamas in their natural habitat, and she has kindly given me permission to show them to you! This is from the province of Salta in Argentina.

This picture is llamas at the "Ruins of Quilmes" which is an ancient settlement of a tribe that resisted the Inca invasion in the 15th century! Imagine how old these stone walls are. It is remarkable! The tribe was eventually defeated by the Spanish in 1600. How sad. Rosario told me that only 15% of the ruins have been excavated.
Look at the amazing patterns in the walls. Here, you can touch history.

I would love to visit this wonderful place and see these llamas for myself! What beautiful coats they have. And how do they not poke themselves on those enormous cacti? Ouch!
Thank you Rosario, for letting us take a trip to Argentina from our office chairs!
Thank you for sharing your photos...........what beautiful scenery. Like you, I would love to walk among the ruins and imagine how they were built and who lived there. The reddish colored llama in the photo is just gorgeous.
How neat! What an amazing place that would be to visit.
That puppet is darling. The llama's in their natural habitat, isn't that wonderful.
We went on a llama trek one time in West Virginia, that was so much fun, llama's are so sure footed. Each person was assigned a llama and I so hated to give mine up when the hike was over.
Maybe y'all should start an Iowa llama trekking business, wouldn't that be a blast? Also, sell little llama puppets. and photo's. People would always want a bunch of souvenir's to take home after the trek.
We saw alot of llamas when we went by train to Iowa a few years ago....they were watching over flocks of sheep in New Mexico....your photos reminded me of them....beautiful countryside and the ruins would be so fun to wander around and explore...thanks for the visit....
I really enjoyed seeing those photos, thanks so much for sharing. The finger puppet is adorable!
I really enjoyed seeing those photos, thanks so much for sharing. The finger puppet is adorable!
Fantastic photos! I LOVE the color of the coats on those llamas!
How beautiful!
What gorgeous pictures! I live in Iowa too, close to the Missouri border. It's nice to see where the wonderful fiber I spin in it's natural habitat.
Wow, that really is a place to visit!
Lovely pictures! Look at the scrub that they eat. We do overfeed our camelids, don't we?
They're just beautiful, aren't they?!
Wow- awesome pictures!!
I just replied to you on my blog but couldn't figure out how to email you back directly. Thanks for following me!
Wonderful photos Claire! Aren't they just gorgeous animals and would I love to go there and visit them! And "Yesss!", you are so right about the green roof for our barn and your coop. My ever practical hubby wanted a beige roof, and originally wanted metal sides as well...can you imagine? How "barny" is that, I ask you?!
Beautiful pictures & interesting! Thanks for sharing Claire & Rosario!
I finally got around to posting the letter game on my blog. "G" was a great letter for me! :)
Joanna - that llama trekking looks like fun! I want to train my llamas to trek with me!!
Maybe one day I'll visit Argentina myself and post my own photos! I would love to go in a couple of years when I am finished with school!
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