Thursday morning, Kelly did all the animal feedings so that I could stay in bed longer, feeling crummy and miserable. He checked on everyone, including the angoras, and they were fine. I hauled myself to school for my 10 am class, and then worked the rest of the day. Upon arriving home, around 5:15 pm, I went out to the barn. We had experienced a significant hailstorm in the afternoon.

We have no idea what the cause of death was. We have two theories. First, the hailstorm must have been incredibly loud on our metal Wick building. The small goats pasture is next to that building. She probably never experienced a hailstorm before. Possibly the noise of the hail on the building simply terrified her, and she died of a heart attack. Secondly, there was a lot of lightning with the storm that passed through. She was laying next to a fencing T-post. It is possible that lightning struck the T-post and she was too close, and being wet, she succumbed to a massive electrical shock.
The Rescue League is doing a necropsy on her, but I have no news at this point. I shall update when we know anything. In the meantime, all the other goats appear to be perfectly well. We have no sign of illness or slowness or any sort of malady in any of them. That said, she herself showed no sign of illness either, the day before she died, nor even the morning of the day she died.
It is especially tragic when you rescue an animal and try to do your best to give it a loving, safe home, then something goes wrong and that animal dies. We are simply at a loss to know what we could or should have done differently. This sad cactus surrounded by hailstones kind of expresses how I am feeling right now.

Today, perhaps in an effort to make me smile, our hens outdid their previous maximum total of a 12-egg-day, and made it a 14-egg-day. Bless their feathery hearts. We got our first olive green egg today.

How very sad! I'm sorry you came home to that.
Oh Claire I am so very sorry for your loss. I know that horrible heartache only too well. Just know that she's waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge and she lived her final days truly happy.
Blessings to you and Kelly
Claire I am so sorry to hear about your Angora doe. I was just stopping by to tell you congrats on Luna and read the news.
oh Claire...I am so sorry. What a terrible thing. so sorry...
I'm so sorry to read of your loss. I hope they are able to find the cause for you. It's always so sad to lose one.
There are so many joys with raising animals and then there are the heartaches that we should never have to experience but we do. She was given to you for a reason and you were able to love her in the time you had her. Give all your animls a hug tonight:) Hope you feel better too :)
I am so sorry for your loss. I hope the necropsy can give you some answers.
I am so sorry to hear about your angora. Keep us updated when you hear about the necropsy.
I hope you are feeling better from your sickness, too!
I am truly sorry. I am sending out good thoughts to you and hoping you feel better. Remember to take care of yourself and to breathe.
What a rotten week. I'm so sorry you lost one of your sweeties. I hope you get some answers, get well, and have a better weekend.
That is so sad! I hope you find out why soon, it's dreadful not knowing!
Sending you a big warm hug from Africa,
I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing our farm friends is so darn hard.
Take comfort in knowing you gave that goatie a wonderful life that chances are it wouldn't have had otherwise.
I hope you health improves quickly - and your memories of her help to heal your heart.
Sorry to read that you lost one of your flock.
I am so sorry.
Sending BIG hugs...
Claire, I am sooo sorry for your loss. I think you can rest assured that there really wasn't anything you could have done to change the outcome. Things happen that are beyond our control. Bless the chickens for doing their best to make you smile by outdoing their previous laying record! Here's a big hug for you and the goats.
Oooh - Best wishes to you from all of us here at our little farm. We know that tragedies can happen even though we receive the best of care. Goat kisses from all of us (especially Dayel, who is expert at the French kiss - aren't you lucky).
Please tell your chickums that we are happy they are laying well. From Isobelle, Gimli, Durin, Dayel and Narcissa!
Awww, Claire, that was tough for you to deal with on top of other events this past year. But I second the others here - you gave her loving days while she was with you that she wouldn't have had otherwise.
Just keep on doing what you're doing.
I had kind of wondered why you were so quiet this week, I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Sorry about your little angora, there wasn't anything you could have done different. I too, wish that the necropsy can give you the answers you need.
You gave her a loving, safe, comfortable, well-fed home up until her last moments. I'm sorry for your loss.
Gorgeous eggs!
¸.•..¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•.. (¸.•.. .•.. ¸¸.•¨¯..• . . * + * * . + * .*. . * + * JUST * + . + . . * + . + * . * + * . + *SPRINKLING.* + . + . . * + . + * . * + . + , *YOUR. + * BLOG. + * + . . * + . + * . * + .* . * * + . * WITH.* . + . SOME. * + * * . + * . . * + * * + . *+ * + ..LOVE .....* + + . . * + . + * . * + (¯..v..¯) ..*.¸.*.. ¸.•..¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•.. (¸.•.. .•.. ¸¸. •¨*+AND.* + . + * . * + . . * . * AN * + . + * .* +. .AWARD
I left you an award on my blog!
Just adding my condolences to all the rest. Glad the rest of the flock seems unaffected. I hope you start feeling better soon; it's no fun heading into spring feeling crummy.
Beautiful eggs, too. Lovely birds, how sweet of them!
You have such Awesome friends! I wish you well, I am sorry to hear of your loss. I will be thinking of you.
Claire - so sorry for your loss. I hope you are doing ok.
Such sad news, so sorry to hear this.
Hugs coming your way.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
I am so sorry.
Many brightest blessings to you & yours..
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