I went out the barn and she was already on the hay! That was incredible. I thought we were still in early labour!

She is black with a white spot on top of her head, like the moon on a dark night, so her name is Luna.

Here is a picture with my hand - her body is not much longer than my hand!

Look at her sweet little face!

She is standing and nursing already, and both she and Stuffin are fine! :-)

Bella Luna! Welcome to the world and to Whispering Acres, you will be happy there. Congratulations Claire!
Finally! She's very beautiful. Good work Stuffin and Claire!
Oh Claire she is precious! Thank you for sharing these lovely photos.
That was fast! Congratulations on Stuffin's textbook delivery and it's beautiful result. :-)
Congratulations! She is precious! I'm glad it went well.
Finally!!! She is adorable. It won't be long. and she will be doing wind sprints just like our calves. Amazing how they get born just when we aren't looking. Good work!
YAY!!! Might there be MORE!? =)
I logged on just to see if there was an upate, OH Luna. Congratulations! You'll fin out now what SweetPea has one to me.
CONGRATS your first baby!!!!!!!!!!!! yay!!!
Congratulations! I will be checking back to see if a twin surprises you or if the placenta has come out and it's all over with.
What a beautiful little baby! Such a perfect name, too; I'm jealous of your ease with naming. So Stuffin knew all along just what she needed to do. What a tease! Congratulations on the happy ending.
Aren't they just the cutest!! Amazing how they can walk and hop right away. We just welcomed our buck the 3rd and hes super active!!!
Darn blogging! You missed the birth! lol!
I have a Luna, too. My Angora doe, but she's all white.
My sheep, Svetlana, which means Star, has a star on her head like your Luna.
What a sweet little goatie girl.
Congrats. I'm glad that the birth was uncomplicated for Stuffin, too.
Yea!! Her blog aunts and uncles are happy too! What a great day!
Yay! Congratulations to Stuffin and Luna and Claire! Adorable little goat baby!
she is so sweet! and tiny!!!!!!!
congrats! i've never seen a newborn goat before- luna will always be my first!
Thanks for all the kind comments everybody! Luna is doing very well and she thanks her fan club for all their good wishes! I feel a bit more prepared now for the lambing season ahead, starting April 27!
Yahoo! congrats! She's so cute! She staying on the farm when weaned??
YAYYYY! Congrats! She is beautiful.
She's just beautiful and such a fitting name. Momma also looks happy...well, both mommas!
Congrats.....I look forward to watching Luna grow.
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