Oh! Can I type it this time?
No, you have dirty hooves and last time you made the computer keyboard all muddy.
Hmpffff. I was decorating the keyboard for your computing enjoyment.
Today we will add some pictures of you, since you are such a pretty goat. Would you like that?
Yes! The ones you took in the barn? Today?
Absolutely. I have downloaded them and you look as lovely as ever. Let's start with this one, because when I came out the back door, you came running over like a high speed train, complete with whistles.
I was very excited. You don't usually come out in the middle of the afternoon. I thought you were bringing me treats or presents. Even Esmeralda was following me, you see?
We came right over to you...
...and I had to taste your buttons on your sweater, just to see if they were treats in disguise.
I wasn't bringing treats, but I was coming to chat with you, and give you scritches, so that was good, wasn't it?
Yes. Although treats would have been good too.
So tell the blog people why we are going to Canada, and what we are going to do there!
Wait...let's show them some goat snuzzle pictures first.
Well, let's tell them in between goat snuzzle pictures. OK?
OK, well, we are going to Can of Duck, errr....I mean, Canada....(picture please)
.....because we are going to WHINE! Oooh, look at my curly fybur!
We are NOT going to whine. We are not whiners. We are going to MAKE wine. There is a big difference. You are such a silly goat! Did Coffee the mini-Nubian tell you that we are whining?
Oh. She might have. I thought I was going to be good at it,, because I whine sometimes.
Well you are going to be a very special part of it. You will be a wine spokesgoat.
I will?!?! It sounds very important!
I know! I'm very excited about your new responsibilities. You will even greet people who come to see the winery! Won't that be fun?!
That's you trying to lick my eyebrows. You always do that Lucky Nickel. You are a funny little goat.
Your eyebrows taste good.
So tell the blog people what kind of wine we will be making!
Oooooh yes, we are going to make Bumblebee wine!
Good grief....you really do get mixed up sometimes. It's not bumblebee wine! It's BLUEBERRY wine!
Well, I was close. It starts with a B.
You do make me laugh, Lucky Nickel. What would I do without you to make me laugh?
You would be very bored.
Yes. But I will not be bored at our new home. I will just tell the blog people in a little bit more detail, OK?
OK, they can look at my pretty fybur some more while you tell them.
The full story is that I'm in the process of buying a 66 acre mixed blueberry/grazing land farm. The farm has a house on it that was built in about 1850, and is wonderfully eclectic but fully updated. It has interesting room layouts and lots of interesting storage spaces. An addition to the house contains a commercial area with public wheelchair-access restrooms and a small retail area, in which I will be selling my wool as well as the wine. Underneath the addition is a 55 foot long wine cellar and production center with 8 vats for aging the wine, a laboratory for testing pH, sugar, etc, and bottling and labeling facilities. The winery has been in business for over 20 years and has existing contracts, so I'm taking over an established business. At the same time, I'll be using some of the grazing land to have sheep and/or goats as time goes by. All in all, a very exciting development!
OK Mom, are you finished with your monologue?
I had to give some details Lucky Nickel! People might want to know!
They might also want to know that Esmeralda and I like to lick your hand together. Isn't that funny?!
Yes, indeed it is. I suppose my hand is salty or something? I don't mind as long as neither of you takes a bite!
No, we don't bite you! That would be biting the hand that feeds us! We like you too much for that!
Good! Otherwise you wouldn't get fed!
Can I give the blog people a goat-snuzzle?
Of course you can! Here, let's show them a nice snuzzle pose so they can feel the goatie love.
I think that's enough news for today. What do you think?Yes, can I come in the house now?
No Lucky Nickel, you know that you live in the barn.
But, I've been really good! Hmpffff. Fine. I'll show you my bum.
And then I will run, run, run....
....all the way back to the barn. See me go? Byeeeee!