Today's weekend roundup, brought to you by
Tom the Backroads Traveller, has given us the following prompts: Starts with B, Week's Favourite, and New Beginning.
Starts with B
Baby starts with B, and we currently have a baby chick in the house.
This baby chick is from an egg that Whisp was sitting on - I showed Whisp in my blog a couple of weeks ago. As I mentioned in that post, this wasn't planned - it was a result of my being away for a week and Marc not collecting the eggs on a daily basis. I wasn't sure if Whisp's eggs were developing, but candling suggested they might be, so I kept her with her eggs but brought her inside because of the extreme cold we were having here, which was affecting temperatures in the chicken coop. This little one came into the world on Monday, which was earlier than I'd expected.
Whisp seems to have taken motherhood in stride (even though these are not her eggs - they were eggs from one of our brown layers).
Week's Favourite
I know this category is supposed to be a week's favourite picture, but I'm never good at week's favourite picture, so for my own twist on this topic, I'm going to start including a brief discussion of my favourite thing about the past week, whether I have a picture or not. And I might add a picture that is unrelated. So this week, my favourite thing was the fact that I completed some major projects, and all the BIG project deadlines have been met. This week (after Wednesday) was my first week in many months that I was able to look at my work "to do" list and say "Wow, I am all caught up!" This was a tremendously good feeling for me. I still have ongoing projects, but they are not enough to require me to work late nights and I might not even have to work this weekend, which would be amazing.
Here's a picture from a couple of weeks ago that I rather like. It is moss and lichen growing on a tree in our yard. I enjoy the variation in textures and colours.
New Beginning
There is a new beginning occurring in my home office at this very moment. As I said up in the "starts with B" section, earlier this week, Whisp's first egg (of 4) hatched. With no further signs of hatching, I thought the rest were not going to hatch, since they usually hatch at about the same time. This morning I was cleaning the cage and I decided it was time to get rid of the other eggs since she was not sitting on them reliably any more, being more focused on her new chick. As I picked up the bag of cage waste material to take to the garbage, I heard a noise from in the bag. I rushed to get the eggs back out of the bag and realized that one of them had a tiny hole (a "pip") and that there was a chick that was in the process of starting to hatch. I'm so glad it made that tiny noise when it did!
Here is the current new beginning at the moment (around 3 pm this afternoon).

I set up the incubator and put all 3 of the eggs in there because Whisp was too focused on her little one and she was not sitting on these eggs very consistently. This is actually normal because, as I said, the eggs tend to hatch at the same time, and the mother hen typically only waits a day or two after the first one hatches and then abandons any remaining eggs. What I think happened here was that Whisp started sitting on one or two eggs the day that I left, but other hens kept laying their eggs in the same nest box while I was gone. Thus, the first egg was ahead in its development. The one that is now pipped is carrying on in its hatching process.
Around 4:30 pm, the chick began the "unzipping" process in which they begin to open the eggshell completely by creating a break that goes all the way around. Here was that process underway:
The other two are not yet pipped and may not ever hatch, but I need to give them a day or two more just in case.
I then went out to pick up our sustainable local fish delivery for the week, and by the time I got home, about 20 minutes later, the chick was out. I have put it in with Whisp and her first little one. I had to get it out from underneath her for the photo. It is still drying off and fluffing up.
Tomorrow it will look like its sibling!