Anyway, I'm sure you are wondering about my new companion, the Lady Épinette Nutkin of Dazzlewood Hill. The FHB and MHB certainly made some very significant efforts to ensure we would be friends.
First, we began with the bathtub sessions.
No, we didn't get washed. It was just a "confined area" for us to get to know each other. The thing is, we rabbits are a bit fussy about our companions, and we tend to either ignore potential companions, or attack them. The hoomin beans have determined that by putting us in the bathtub (not with water or rubber ducks), they can monitor us closely and separate us if necessary, but it also sort of forces us to pay attention to one another. I admit, they might be right about this.
The hoomin beans made a lot of cooing noises when they caught us grooming each other. Honestly, you'd think they had never seen how to properly lick your partner's ears before.
Finally, the hoomin beans put us into a shared cage, once we were regularly grooming each other and not chasing or biting (which I may have done a few times in the first few sessions, because I was agitated, you know, at the disturbance to my routine!) We now share one crate and the litter box in the crate and most of the time, everything is just lovely. The hoomin beans haven't had time to put the other crate away yet, but we just stay in one of them.
They did try allowing us to have shared time in the home office, but that space is too large for us at this point, and I totally forget what she is doing there and sometimes I chase her and try to bite her because I forget that I'm supposed to be nice. When they put us back into the confined space, I remember, and I calm down again. It is still going to take a little time and getting used to this whole "being a couple" thing, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.
The FHB says we are "successfully bonded" whatever that means. I don't see any glue. Anyway, until next time, keep your ears clean. Or have your partner help you with it.
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